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How much is AMP (AMP) in AUD?

Compare the daily prices of Amp (AMP) in AUD and their 24-hour price movements for the week. The conversion rate of Amp (AMP) to AUD is A$0.003815121634 for every 1 AMP. This means you can exchange 5 AMP for A$0.01907561 or A$50.00 for 13105.74 AMP, excluding fees.

How much is AMP (AMP) worth today?

Amp (AMP) is worth A$0.003815121634 today, which is a 0.1% increase from an hour ago and a -0.2% decline since yesterday. The value of AMP today is -3.3% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Amp traded was A$7,144,879. Need more data? Explore our API How much is 1 Amp worth in AUD?

What is the pip value of AUDUSD?

The pip value of 1 mini lot, or 10,000 units of AUDUSD is US$1.00. The pip value of 1 micro lot, or 1,000 units of AUDUSD is US$0.10. The 1 pip size of AUDUSD is 0.0001, so if the AUDUSD price is 1.2345, the 5 represents 5 pips. AUDUSD: Accurate pip value calculator covering all relevant instruments and asset classes.

What is the price of Audacy Inc (AUD)?

Audacy Inc. (AUD) is priced at $0.31 after the most recent trading session. At the very opening of the session, the stock price was $0.326 and reached a high price of $0.3378, prior to closing the session it reached the value of $0.33.

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